Friday, July 15, 2011


How many people's names can you remember?

In a world with 24/7 cellphone Internet with cloud services, how many names can you store and access nearly as fast?

Do you speak French? Google Translate does. Know the atomic weight of Potassium? Wikipedia that junk. What is happening at this very second in #Tallahassee (Twitter)? Not having to constantly waste time/energy remembering these things leaves plenty of Brainwidth for other, more important things.

Now, you can buy a 700Mhz Linux machine on a chip with wireless for ~$25. That puts this type of information within reach of basically every person on the planet.  In 2 years it will likely cost half as much.

In 10 years, what will happen to us as a civilization when uncensored, unlimited information is cheaper than air?


  1. Hmmm, really interesting, Almost scary how fast technology moves.

  2. Technology is always advancing, it's mind blowing.

  3. I think in about 10 years the world as we know it will be completely gone and changed.
