Saturday, July 16, 2011

Facebook's Big Brother

Our parents and grandparents grew up always being afraid of Big Brother having cameras on the street corner or listening in with high power microphones... but somehow they've left us with a government that is far worse.

Those of us from the Millennial generation were born into the worst kind of Big Brother state.  Our lives are in text messages and e-mails, on Facebook, MySpace and Twitter.  We shop with credit cards and carry smartphones that log our location nearly ever minute of our lives.

This data is logged, stored, analyzed and parsed to provide information for advertising companies.  It's just sitting there, waiting for Big Brother to ask with his impossible to refuse National Security Letter.  Since this data sits in the hands of very, very few companies like Facebook we really need to start holding them to a MUCH higher standard as far as our privacy is concerned.  Every slip they make, every opt-out program they implement leaks more of your private data ends up in the hands of the Informational Awareness Office.

Privacy and Security are not exactly integral to the system.


  1. A good reason why Facebook knows so little about me.

  2. I rarely give away my peronal data.

  3. video is no longer available. So it is real that Big Brother is controlling everything ????

  4. Truer words have never been spoken. I also think corporations are big brother.

  5. I am thinking corporations are worse.
